Home City Review COVID-19: Day Egbemode Donated Relief Materials To Ijabe

COVID-19: Day Egbemode Donated Relief Materials To Ijabe

Mrs Funke Egbemode...
Mrs Funke Egbemode...

Following the statewide lockdown necessitated by the need to curb the spread of the ravaging coronavirus in Osun State, and the implications of the lockdown on the people of the State which include economic hardship, the state’s Commissioner for Information and Civic Orientation, Mrs Funke Egbemode, has donated relief materials to indigents in Ijabe.

During the handover of the relief materials, Mrs Egbemode was received by the Onijabe of Ijabe land, Oba Felix Olaniyan Oyelade; the Chairman of Odo Otin North LCDA, Hon. Seriki Akeem; the Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria of Ijabe Branch, Canon I. O. Awotimiro; and the Chief Imam of Ijabe, Alhaji Abdulganiy Afolabi, Chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, represented by Mr Zakariyah Sikiru, Chairman of the Amalgamated Commercial Motorcycle Riders Association of Nigeria; Mr Ilufoye Sarafa, all of whom expressed gratitude to the Commissioner and to the State Government of Osun for the efforts expended in reaching out to the grassroots.

The Onijabe of Ijabe, Oba Felix Opaniyan Oyelade, on receiving the relief materials on behalf of the people of Ijabe, thanked Mrs Egbemode for her kind gesture, and called on other sons and daughters of the State to emulate her good gesture by turning up with similar interventions.

In her response, Mrs Egbemode stated that she was aware of the effect of the lockdown on the people and that was why she was donating  the food items.

Egbemode also thanked the people of Ijabe and Odo Otin Local Government Area for co-operating with the government in the fight against the pandemic, stating that the lockdown was a child of necessity.

Packaged by Mariam Azeez

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