Mr. Raphael Akpan, the Zonal Director, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC)  comprising of Oyo, Osun and Ogun States, was a guest on Parrot Xtra/Ayekooto Radio Show on Splash 105.5FM, anchored by Olayinka Agboola recently. During the interaction, he revealed the various challenges confronting the broadcast industry and the effort of the commission to introduce sanitization among other issues… Excerpts:
How does it feel to head the National Broadcasting Commission’s zone…in these three elitist states of Oyo, Ogun and Osun…?
It is a very big shoe knowing the place of Ibadan especially when it comes to broadcasting not only in Nigeria but also in Africa. We know that we have several veterans in the industry who have toiled day and night and they are expecting much from us because they have laid a solid foundation for the industry. Anytime I look at myself, I will say God, I need your help because it is quite challenging because these three states are the elites’ states. It is quite challenging and I can give you reasons.
Firstly, when you look at the number of stations we have in these three states collectively, they are close to 100. In addition, broadcasting had its root in Ibadan and we have the likes of Ambassador Dr. Yemi Farounbi, Chief Bisi Adesola, Chief Bamiji Ojo, Alhaji Kola Bolomope, Chief Lekan Alabi, Yanju Adegbite and Engineer Lateef Busari among the veterans.
I was born and bred in Ibadan, although I left briefly after I got this job before returning. Seeing the kind of broadcasting we had then on television such as the village headmaster, Igbo Irunmole, Agborandun, S’oda be, Sura the tailor, Why Worry The Lion and others. We’ve had many programs in time past, what are we having now?
However, we know that in one way or the other, there could be some little infractions and that is why we are regulating the industry. NBC is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that the rules governing the broadcasting industry are upheld and strictly taken serious.
As a matter of fact sir, what are your duties as the Zonal Director?
The NBC is empowered to regulate and control the broadcast industry and how do we do this; we have monitoring formations, one of them is this zone. We have ten zonal offices and twenty-seven state offices.
In this zone, I am the chief monitoring officer; I have other people who are assisting me. We work together to monitor the number of stations under us and we try to draw the attention of the broadcasters to any infractions and violations we notice from our end and if after repeated warnings, they fail to comply, they will be penalized.
What is your view on the proliferation of radio stations in Ibadan especially?
Ibadan presently has about 36 functioning radio stations. Talking about the proliferation of radio stations, I think it is healthy because the constitution gives us the right to own or create any broadcast outfit.
Do you wish to speak about some of the challenges you are facing sir?
The challenges that we face are not just limited to NBC alone because the government itself is finding it very difficult to function. But we are doing our best together with members of staff that we work together to ensure that there is strict compliance in the various stations under our watch.
Now, looking at the number of stations that we have now, it is difficult for us to regulate, however, we are regulating them as much as possible; ask any station today they will say NBC is properly monitoring them and this shows how effective we are although there is still room for improvement.
Considering the number of stations we have presently, we need more manpower, technology that will make our job easier. Although we have technology but you know, it has to be upgraded.

How do you normally monitor online radio and television stations?
You cannot have access to any online station unless you have the physical address.
What is the commission doing to streamline and regulate their activities?
Ideally, every online operator ought to register with the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC). Although we have some challenges we are facing presently, but in no time the online operators will have a feel of NBC.
With the way you reportedly sanction stations, you are probably generating millions…
(Cuts in) Sanctions are not meant for revenue generations for NBC. If all the stations comply with the code of conduct, there will be no need for sanctions. NBC was not established as a revenue-generating agency of the government. We have guidelines called broadcasting code that guides the conduct of all broadcasters. Every individual working at NBC must understand the in-depth and apply it.
Now, when we sit down to listen to the radio or watch the television, our observation is always different from what other people are listening to or watching. We scrutinize all program contents in order to ensure that broadcasters do not contravene the code of the commission.
Some of the things we look out for are the ways broadcasters speak and any other infractions that are against the ethics of the profession. If the word of any broadcaster is against the rules of the commission and if after repeated warnings, they fail to comply with the instructions, they will be sanctioned.
There are procedures before a station could be sanctioned and it includes warnings, writing a letter to inform them of what was noticed on their program and how such could be corrected. Sometimes, after repeated warnings, we give the station the punishment they deserve.
Does NBC intend to ban phone-in programs due to noticed reactions of overzealous listeners whenever they have the privilege to call-in?
NBC is not thinking of such because we are practicing democratic system of government. We have what we call participatory democracy whereby people are allowed to air their opinions. We want to hear the opinion of the masses concerning things that are bothering them but surprisingly many people do express their opinion in an aggressive manner due to the happenings around them. Instead of people to express their opinion logically, they resort to the use of abusive languages and vent their anger on air. Rather it is expected that people should state their opinion in a logical manner, this will let people know that the person speaking is sensible. Radio especially is meant to educate, inform and entertain.
How do you feel at NBC when a fake news is broadcast…?
In any broadcast station, news is very sensitive because it is (supposed to be) factual. Anybody who comes on air and gives wrong information, we will take it as a deliberate act because somebody actually edited that news. Did he verify the story? Was it confirmed before breaking such news?
News presentation is not for trophy acquisition. You will not be given any trophy if you are privileged to broadcast it first. It is better to wait and let the news go and then you focus on the analysis.
Another area of concern is the issue of news embellishment, it is very common in Yoruba news presentation especially in headlines casting.
Our veterans in the industry have laid the foundation of good journalism; they laid it discreetly and did not add any embellishment to news presentation why then are we doing it? Broadcasting is not about what the people want but rather give them what they need.

What admonition do you have for Nigerians?
We are all Nigerians, things are not easy, people are finding it very tough but please when you come on air to express your opinion, be articulate and do not use defamatory words. Put up your opinion logically because even the government is interested in listening to people’s feedback. Put up your opinion logically and do not criticize negatively rather suggest the way forward. To broadcasters, I will urge them to engage in more researches for personal development and to study the broadcasting code very well.