Home Business Over N85b Bonus Shares To Be Given Out To Nigerian Breweries’ Shareholders

Over N85b Bonus Shares To Be Given Out To Nigerian Breweries’ Shareholders

Nigerian Breweries Plc
Nigerian Breweries Plc

The board of directors of Nigerian Breweries (NB) Plc has recommended distribution of bonus shares worth about N85 billion to shareholders of the brewing company.

In a regulatory filing at the weekend, the board of NB stated it had decided that in a bid to comply with the directive of the Corporate Affairs Commission for companies to eliminate unissued shares from their books, a bonus issue of one ordinary share of 50 kobo each for every four ordinary shares of 50 kobo each be issued to shareholders in the register of members at the close of business on Tuesday, December 06, 2022.

The bonus shares with a nominal value of N1.03 billion will be issued from the company’s share premium account, which based on the 2021 audited report and accounts had a balance of N77.5 billion and N84 billion as at October 31, 2022.

NB’s share price rose by N3.75 or 10 per cent to N41.25 during weekend trading session at the Nigerian Exchange (NGX).

The board has also summoned an extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM) of the company for the purpose of obtaining shareholders’ approval for the bonus scheme and for related items. The EGM will take place on Thursday, December 08, 2022 in Lagos.

At the EGM, shareholders are expected to consider and authorise the increase in the company’s share capital from N5 billion to N5.138 billion by the creation of additional 276.132 million ordinary shares of 50 kobo each, with such new shares ranking pari-passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares in the share capital of the company.

Shareholders are also expected to approve a resolution pursuant to Article 129 of the Articles of Association of the company, authorising the capitalisation of N1.028 billion from the share premium account for payment for bonus shares of 2.055 billion shares to be distributed amongst members in the proportion of one new share for every four shares held.

The EGM is also expected to mandate the board to adjust the company’s Memorandum of Association accordingly while authorising the board to take all such actions and do all such acts, deeds and things as they deem necessary to give effect to the resolutions, including executing or authorising the execution of all relevant documents and appointing any required professional adviser; and that all actions previously taken by the directors in that regard be and are hereby ratified.

Credit: thenationonlineng.net

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