Entrenchment Of Investment-Friendly Environment: OPS Salutes Oyebanji’s Govt In Ekiti

    Governor Biodun Oyebanji
    Governor Biodun Oyebanji

    Key Participants in the organized private sector in Ekiti State have lauded Governor Biodun Oyebanji for his efforts at developing infrastructure and entrenching investment-friendly environment in the State.

    In a vox pop aired during an audience participatory simulcast tagged ‘Ekiti l’oni/Ekiti today’, the Director-General of the Ekiti Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, Mr. Olufemi Fabiyi expressed appreciation to the Oyebanji administration for what he described as the hard work on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), noting that the development had boosted their confidence to invest more in the State.

    He said “I want to thank the State Government of  Governor Biodun Oyebanji for his hard work on MSMEs in the State. As you all know, the Chamber of Commerce and Industries is the apex body of organized private sector. Our members have been receiving help from the government, especially the just concluded MSMEs Clinic where the Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima was present. Our people were there showcasing their goods. Our people also had time to engage with Government agencies at the National Level During the Clinic.”

    In her remarks, the Convener of Ekiti Online Market, Mrs Jane Adeyemo also expressed appreciation to the administration, stressing that “they have done wonderfully well in Ekiti State. They have helped the people of Ekiti State to move their businesses forward, especially the small scale business owners.

    “The MSMEs Clinic that was held at Adetiloye Hall was an opportunity for the people of Ekiti State to showcase their products to the entire world. His Excellency is doing well, the Commissioner for Trade is doing well, she’s giving us timely information to take our businesses to the next level. May God continue to bless them.”

    Another contributor who is a member of the Association of Ekiti Online Market, Mrs. Esther Odunoso said she showcased her products during Vice President, Kashim Shettima’s visit to the State and the MSMEs clinics.

    “I showcased my spices, my food and I made a large turnover. Something that I cannot make in a month, I made it that day because I sold a lot of my products and I want to use this medium to thank our Hon. Commissioner, Our amiable Governor in person of Mr. Abayomi Oyebanji for doing excellently and helping us small scale business owners so that we can flourish and our business can grow bigger. We want to use this medium to thank him and pray for him that in his tenure, we will continue to record greatness in Ekiti and Nigeria at large in Jesus name”, she enthused.

    Responding, the State Commissioner for Trade, Industry, Investment and Cooperatives, Mrs. Omotayo Adeola reiterated the commitment of the Oyebanji administration to the development of micro, small and medium enterprises as part of efforts at enhancing socioeconomic activities, combating unemployment, making the people self-reliant particularly the youths, and combatting poverty in the State.

    Mrs. Adeola who assured that the State would continue to partner the Federal Government in the quest to achieve the desired goals, said the State Government is also collaborating with financial institutions and attracting foreign investors to speed up economic growth of the State.

    Adeola said that Government is facilitating soft loans and grants to entrepreneurs for rapid and sustainable expansion and growth, adding that Business clinics are also organized to help solve problems thereby increasing their efficiency, reduce costs, and grow their revenue.

    Acknowledging the problem of electricity supply and its impact on the operational cost of business, the Commissioner said that the State Government is working round the clock to improve supply of electricity in the State.

    According to her, the State’s Independent Power Project (IPP) which principally serves Government offices and the State University Teaching Hospital at the moment, is being extended to the main campus of the State University, adding that government would look for ways to connect industries close to the distribution grid  to the State IPP network

    Recalling that several communities were recently reconnected to the National Grid after over a decade of being in darkness, Adeola said that the State Government is, in addition, negotiating with some foreign power generating companies with the aim of engaging their expertise to boost the State power sector and reduce production cost for entrepreneurs.

    She, however, cautioned loan beneficiaries not to default in loan repayment, stressing that such act not only damage credit ratings but may also deprive other business owners from benefiting from laudable plan.

    The Commissioner disclosed that work would  soon be completed on the amended  Cooperatives Law  for  the State to enable Cooperatives Societies in the State  have access to grants and loans from reputable banks and financial institutions that signified interest in supporting them.

    Packaged by Mayowa Owogbade

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