Home Security South West’s Low Enrolment In Military Worries Gbenga Daniel

South West’s Low Enrolment In Military Worries Gbenga Daniel

Otunba Gbenga Daniel
Otunba Gbenga Daniel

A former governor of Ogun State and Senator representing Ogun East, Gbenga Daniel, has decried the low enrolment of youths from the South-West in the military and the Nigeria Police Force.

Daniel said parents must stop discouraging their children from joining the police and the military, so the South-West could maximise the employment opportunities in the security agencies.

The former governor, who is the Chairman, Senate Committee on Navy, made the plea during the week in Abeokuta, at a programme, tagged “Dialogue with Journalists,” organised by the Nigeria Union of Journalists, Ogun State Council.

He said, “As the Chairman, Senate Committee on Navy, I have seen firsthand, our people’s lackadaisical approach to the enlistment into this noble service.

“A lot of positive things are happening in the Nigerian Navy daily and I want to urge parents to stop discouraging their wards from joining the military and paramilitary services.

“The military produced former President Olusegun Obasanjo; Gen Ibrahim Babangida; and Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar, among many others. Parents should stop discouraging their children from joining the military, the police and the paramilitary services.”

Giving an account of his stewardship in the Red Chamber last year, Daniel said he presented a total of 11 bills.

Credit: justnews.ng

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