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When Sanwo-Olu Joined Others To Attend European Corporate Council And Middle East Summit

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State...right, during the summit...
Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State...right, during the summit...

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State attended the second edition of the European Corporate Council on Africa and Middle East (ECAM) summit with the theme ‘Finding New Ways to Care’ last week in Rome, Italy.

The ECAM Summit was a side meeting at the sixteenth G20 summit, which was held in Rome on 30-31 October, 2021.

The ECAM Council aims to promote and develop constructive dialogue, new partnerships and strong cooperation between Europe, Africa and the MENA region, with Italy taking on the role as host nation. Mr. Sanwo-Olu joined an open and honest dialogue on such issues as healthcare, education and philanthropically funded projects.

According to the organisers, the forum also aims to take tangible steps towards encouraging investment between Europe, Africa and the Middle East in many areas, however, special focus is given to healthcare in all of its facets.

Packaged by Alaba Igbaroola

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