Home Christian Circuit Fayemi’s Government Warns Intending Ekiti Pilgrims Against Absconding

Fayemi’s Government Warns Intending Ekiti Pilgrims Against Absconding

Dr Kayode Fayemi, the Governor of Ekiti State...
Dr Kayode Fayemi, the Governor of Ekiti State...

Dr Kayode Fayemi’s government in Ekiti State has advised intending pilgrims from the state to the holy land of Israel have to be good ambassadors of the state in particular, and Nigeria at large and to  resist all temptations of absconding during the pilgrimage.

The Secretary of Ekiti State Christians’ Pilgrims Welfare Board, Mr Ogunlade Olusola sounded the warning during a screening exercise  held for the 23 qualified  intending Pilgrims for the 2018 Holy pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Mr. Ogunlade assured the qualified intending Pilgrims that all arrangements had been concluded to ensure a safe and rewarding trip.

The orientation exercise, according to the Board’s Secretary would come up on Thursday, 20th of December, 2018 while the expected take-off date is Wednesday, 26th same month.

Packaged by Omotoyosi Jesuleye

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