Home City Review Ogun Hospital Begins Training Of Consultants To Stop Exodus Of Doctors, Others

Ogun Hospital Begins Training Of Consultants To Stop Exodus Of Doctors, Others

Dapo Abiodun
Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State...

Prince Dapo Abiodun’s government in Ogun State, through the Management of the State Hospital, Sokenu, Abeokuta had announced that it has begun consultancy training programmes, being practised by teaching hospital in the operation of the Hospital, with a view to addressing emigration of medical personnel abroad so as to retain capable hands in the state health sector.

The Medical Director of the State Hospital, Sokenu, Abeokuta, Dr. Kayode Oladeinde said this while defending the 2019 budget performance of the hospital before members of the State House of Assembly Committee on Health led by Hon. Adeyanju Adegoke, at the facility, in Abeokuta.

Oladeinde stated that the essence of such professional training programmes was to ensure the training of more seasoned consultants to achieve qualitative health care delivery for the people.

He explained that the hospital which had specialities in secondary function, now including some tertiary training programmes in conjuction with the State Hospital Management Board in training of specialists and consultants in family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology while preparing for subsequent reaccreditation from professional bodies from some of the West African countries soon.

Calling for recruitment of more manpower and infrastructural facilities, the Medical Director, said that the hospital which generated a total revenue of N137.119m  between January and June this year, also attended to an average of 10, 000 patients, taking over 150 deliveries and conducted about 80 surgeries on a monthly basis.

In their remarks, the Committee Chairman, Hon. Adegoke and members including Honourables Haruna Wahab and Atinuke Bello, tasked the management team of the hospital to further improve on its operations at rendering quality service to residents of the State; stressing the need to give priority to treatment of patients in line with Prince Dapo Abiodun’s vision of promoting a healthy society.

Contributing, a member representing Ewekoro State Constituency, Hon. Yusuf Amosun, stressed the importance of quality health care services to humanity, while  canvassing for increased funding of the sector.

Packaged by Hazeez Ayansola

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