Home Education Outstanding Research: ABUAD Scholars Receive N12m From Afe Babalola

Outstanding Research: ABUAD Scholars Receive N12m From Afe Babalola

Aare Afe Babalola, SAN
Aare Afe Babalola, SAN

Eminent lawyer and Founder of Afe Babalola University at Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), Aare Afe Babalola (SAN), has presented N12 million to scholars of the university for their research outputs and publications in journals across the globe.

Presenting the cash gifts to the scholars during the 2023/2024 edition, Babalola recalled that since 2015, he had spent over N350 million on the publication of research outputs in SCOPUS-indexed journals.

The legal luminary said this was in line with the institution mandates to change Nigeria’s education system.

He said ABUAD had developed its platform, which now has the same status with the SCOPUS, to give more opportunities to scholars for the publication of journal articles and relieve them the payment burden.

“The good news I have for you today is the fact that you need not pay SCOPUS-indexed publication fees anymore. Why? This is because ABUAD/OGEES journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (JSDLP) has now acquired the same status as SCOPUS.

“This has brought respite from the present challenges of paying for journal articles in the university and you are therefore encouraged to publish in this our own journal,” Aare Babalola said.

On what to expect from the next award presentation, the ABUAD founder promised that any worker with not less than 75 publications would get a brand new car; the first runner-up with not less than 60 would get N1 million, and the second runner-up with not less than 55 publications would get N750,000.

He advised scholars in the institution to live up to expectations in publishing their research outputs, promising to continue to provide the necessary financial and moral supports towards sustaining ABUAD’s status as a leading university across the world.

Credit: thenationonlineng.net

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