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Acting Comes To Me Naturally, I Cannot Remember The Number Of Movies I’ve Featured In – Child Prodigy Actress, Fisayo Amodemaja Abebi

Fisayo Amodemaja Abebi, left, with her dotting mom, Bukola...in our office...
Fisayo Amodemaja Abebi, left, with her dotting mom, Bukola...in our office...

During the week, child Prodigy Actress, Fisayo Amodemaja popularly called Abebi stormed the corporate headquarters of Parrot Xtra Media Network accompanied by her mother, Bukola. She was engaged by DARE RAJI. During the interaction, this talented child-actress speaks about her journey into the entertainment industry among other issues…Excerpt:

Can our readers meet you?

My name is Oluwafisayo Amodemaja, a.k.a Abebi. I am 11 years old, I am currently in J.S.S 3. I started acting in year 2018. I love acting because it is my passion.

Have you acted on stage before?

Yes, I have acted in the church on stage before, though it was embarrassing but I later got used to it. I never bothered even when I was ridiculed for making mistakes while acting, I saw it as an act of fun.

How do you draw inspiration?

I draw my inspiration from God and my mum. She encouraged my dreams and my acting career before I was introduced to a particular producer to act in a movie, although it was challenging and stressful at the beginning but she encouraged me with her words of prayers.

the crew leader at Parrot Xtra Media Network Olayinka Agboola left here presents a copy of one of our sister publications Parrot Xtra Magazine to the child movie star
the crew leader at Parrot Xtra Media Network Olayinka Agboola left here presents a copy of our sister publication <strong>Parrot Xtra Magazine<strong> to the child movie star

How many films have you featured in?

I can almost not remember the movies that I have featured in. They are many o! I have acted in various movie such as Generosity, Eji Owuro, Dark Water, Voice, Agba meta, Selflessness among many others. I love the movies I have acted in because the story lines are interesting and educative. The most challenging one among them was ‘Generosity’ because I played a sub-lead role in it, I appeared for up to 16 times and it was challenging for me.

How do you combine your academics with acting?

Both are two different things. I am trying my best to combine both together and I am not doing badly in my academic pursuit. I still maintain a high grade in class despite my involvement in acting. Apart, from my acting career I would love to be a lawyer.

What will you like to tell young girls like you?

I will encourage them to pursue their dreams passionately and enjoin their parents to support their dreams just as my mum did for me. Parents should not in any way discourage the God-given talents of their children.

Do you wish to talk about your Mum?

My mummy is the best in the world, she supports my dreams and aspiration to become successful in life. She is friendly and does not over pamper me, she always disciplines me when I misbehave. She is a strict disciplinarian.

She always reminds me not to be influenced by bad gangs and that charity begins from home. She encouraged me to always remember the daughter of whom I am.

Have you produced any movie by yourself?

I will be launching my movie ‘Abebi, the special child’ on Tuesday May 4 2021. It will be on YouTube via Liberal TV. The movie speaks against the ills of domestic violence and I want to encourage people to like, share, watch the movie.

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