Home News Photo: Makinde, Wife Host Orphanage Children

Photo: Makinde, Wife Host Orphanage Children

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde (middle); his wife, Tamunominini (his left side); Coordinator, Ark of Hope Foundation, Seyi Akinbohun (right) and the children of Orphanage cutting the cake during the event…
Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde (middle); his wife, Tamunominini (his left side); Coordinator, Ark of Hope Foundation, Seyi Akinbohun (right) and the children of Orphanage cutting the cake during the event…

The governor of Oyo State, Engineer Seyi Makinde and his elegant wife, Engineer Tamunominini, over the weekend hosted children from Ark of Hope Foundation orphanage at the Government House…check out this image as sent in from the office of the governor’s spokesman, Taiwo Adisa…

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