Home City Review Ekiti Farmers Smile As Oyebanji Approves 50% Subsidy On Seedlings

Ekiti Farmers Smile As Oyebanji Approves 50% Subsidy On Seedlings

Governor Biodun Oyebanji
Governor Biodun Oyebanji

As part of efforts to rejuvenate and  scale up  tree crops production in Ekiti State, Governor Biodun Oyebanji has approved   50% subsidy  on  Oil Palm, cocoa and cashew seedlings  to be distributed to farmers in the state this planting season.

The State Commissioner for Agriculture and food security ,Mr Ebenezer  Boluwade who made this known in statement made available to newsmen in Ado-Ekiti said the move is part of strategic steps by the Oyebanji Administration to create employment and wealth  and also return Ekiti State  to  the golden era of the 1970s when the State  was reputed globally as one of the leading cocoa producing centres in Nigeria.

He said the  scheme is intended  to bring back the glory years  by replacing aged trees  in old plantations and those lost to bush burning with improved seedlings with short gestation period  while efforts are also on to  inject willing young committed farmers  into cocoa plantation farming

The Commissioner urged all legacy farmers and new ones to key into this scheme and benefit from the programme noting that Government will also support the farmers with agrochemicals to prevent fungi diseases, pests and ultimately improve yield.

He disclosed that global cocoa business was booming in the international market as prices of the commodity has climbed on the International Market to 10,000 dollars/metric tonne.

The Commissioner advised interested farmers in the State to reach out to the Tree Crops Department of the Ministry and get the details of payment as stated on the flyer.

Packaged by Mayowa Owogbade

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