Home Special Report Why It Is Important For Nigerians To Co-Exist Peacefully – Adepoju, Ibadan...

Why It Is Important For Nigerians To Co-Exist Peacefully – Adepoju, Ibadan North East LG Boss

Alhaji AbdulRahman Olanrewaju Adepoju
Alhaji AbdulRahman Olanrewaju Adepoju

Nigerians have been urged to work in unity to sustain harmonious and peaceful co-existence among themselves as desired by the nation’s fallen heroes.  

This advice was sent out by the Executive Chairman of Ibadan Northwest Local Government, Alhaji AbdulRahman Olanrewaju Adepoju in his goodwill message to mark the  2024 democracy day celebration.

According  to the Chairman,  June 12 is a significant  day in the history  of Nigeria which must be  celebrated  by all and sundry   regardless  of socio-political  or religious differences.  He said “Today marks 31 years  when Nigerians  trooped  out en mass to cast their vote for the candidate  of their choice as the President  of the Federal  Republic of Nigeria,  unfortunately,  the election which  was globally accepted  as the most free and fair election in Nigeria and won by late MKO  Abiola was annulled  by the then Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida. Many lives and properties were lost during the struggle to reclaim the mandate”

Alh Adepoju  eulogized late Bashorun MKO Abiola for his steadfastness  in fighting for  a better  Nigeria.  He described him as a great nationalist whose legacies will forever linger in the minds of Nigerians.

He urged all politicians to shun politics of violence, sentiment, bitterness, and  acrimony but to rather work for the  sustainability  of love, peace, harmony  and unity of Nigeria.

The  Chairman further  implored  Nigerians  not to relent  in giving their unflinching supports  to the present administration  under President  Bola Ahmed Tinubu  in making his visions  for renewed  hope come to reality.

In the same vein, Alh Adepoju   commended  Oyo’s Governor Seyi Makinde  for his unprecedented achievements  which have made him stand out among equals.  He described  the state’s number one man as a true democrat  who strove to ensure  that  dividends  of democracy  get the nooks and crannies of the state.

Packaged by Dare Raji

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