Home Christian Circuit Day Speaker Yakubu Dogara Met Pope Francis In Italy

Day Speaker Yakubu Dogara Met Pope Francis In Italy

Hon Yakubu Dogara, right, with Pope Francis...
Hon Yakubu Dogara, right, with Pope Francis...

History was made during the week when the Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, has met with Pope Francis in Italy.

Dogara, who is on a mission to liaise with Italian authorities, addressed some Italians and stated the business opportunities in Nigeria and the extent of the ease of doing business in Nigeria.

He also emphasised the need of the Italian authorities to keep Nigerians living in Italy safe by looking after them and reducing the abuse meted out on them by working closely with Nigeria.

The Speaker later posted pictures of himself and the head of the Catholic Church on his Twitter handle @YakubuDogara as he stated his surprise at the Pope’s vast knowledge of happenings within Nigeria.

Dogara revealed that the Pope prays for Nigeria and is abreast of events in the country.

Credit: thewillnigeria.com

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