Home City Review Oyo’s Youngest House Member-Elect, Yusuf Oladeni Adebisi Visits Parrots

Oyo’s Youngest House Member-Elect, Yusuf Oladeni Adebisi Visits Parrots

L-R: Olayinka Agboola, the Editor-in-Chief at PMParrot/Parrot Xtra Magazine, Yusuf Oladeni Adebisi and Olanrewaju Agiri, Sports Editor…during the visit…
L-R: Olayinka Agboola, the Editor-in-Chief at PMParrot/Parrot Xtra Magazine, Yusuf Oladeni Adebisi and Olanrewaju Agiri, Sports Editor…during the visit…

The youngest member of the Oyo State House of Assembly recently elected, Mr Yusuf Oladeni Adebisi who is also the first son of popular Fuji Musician, Taye Adebisi Currency, Wednesday, paid a visit to the corporate Headquarters of PMParrot/Parrot Xtra Magazine on Ring Road, in Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State…Check out the image recorded when the 25-year-old politician came visiting…


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