Home Special Report I Used To Hawk Pure-Water Sachets At The Toll Gate – UfitFly...

I Used To Hawk Pure-Water Sachets At The Toll Gate – UfitFly Boss Tells His Story

Evg Ajibola Ogunkeyede, left, with Olayinka Agboola, during the live Radio Show...
Evg Ajibola Ogunkeyede, left, with Olayinka Agboola, during the live Radio Show...

Popular travels and tours’ outfit, Ufitfly Ltd’s team leader, Evangelist Ajibola Ogunkeyede has revealed how he used to hawk ‘pure-water’ sachets at the Toll Gate located at the Ibadan end of the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

He said he did this to augment whatever his mother had to take care of him and his sister since the breadwinner of the family died before his fifth birthday.

Ogunkeyede who revealed these while featuring on Space FM Ibadan’s programme, Parrot Xtra Hour On Radio anchored by Olayinka Agboola on Tuesday also informed that his growing up was tough but was equally quick to add “when I look back, I am always full of appreciation to God. I am a child who received favour and mercy.”

Evangelist Ajibola Ogunkeyedestressing a point
Evangelist Ajibola Ogunkeyedestressing a pointPIC by Olawale Awe

The youthful businessman also took time to strongly admonished to jettison the idea of resuscitating any ‘national carrier’ in the name of ‘Air Nigeria’ and instead collaborate with the private sector.

He stated that the hope of getting Air Nigeria back has continued to dim after two years of its re-launch in London.

“Two years ago, the Federal Government unveiled Nigeria’s new national carrier in London. The Air Nigeria project has, however, remained a dream with little or no hope of it becoming a reality”, the popular travels’ consultant noted.

He also added “It will be of great benefit to us in the Tourism and Travel business sector if our national carrier is in full operation but the multibillion naira investment has, in the last one year, been stalled.

“My belief is until the federal government is sincere enough to privatize or hand over the project to private investors who will prioritize the profitability aspect of the aviation business before anything meaningful can be achieved. The business cannot be left in the care of civil servants.

“The adverse effects of COVID-19 on businesses have worsened the fates of the travel business practitioners in the country and what could have given us some level of leverage is Nigeria having a national carrier”, Ogunkeyede averred.

L R Olanrewaju Agiri Evg Ajibola Ogunkeyede Olayinka Agboola and Olutola Kuti the GM at Space 901fm
L R Olanrewaju Agiri Evg Ajibola Ogunkeyede Olayinka Agboola and Olutola Kuti the GM at Space 901fm

While speaking on how he came up with the ‘UfitFly’ concept, the young entrepreneur said “It was God. We were looking for a concept that would stand the test of time, that would stand us shoulder above others – it was while were brainstorming that one of us came up with the slogan, ufitfly.

“Of course, it is now more than a slogan because we registered it as a full company over three years ago. Today, by God’s grace, we have offices in Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Ilorin, Osogbo, London and others.”

Ogunkeyede also took time to explain why he decided to introduce serious entertainment into his brand of business.

His words “I will still repeat that it was God that gave me the inspiration. I was sleeping and something told me to reach out to Mama Bola Are to join our then proposed tour of Israel. Mama Are did not hesitate. Since that time, we have been asking popular entertainment personalities to join our numerous packaged tours of foreign lands to afford those who wished to meet them to see and also travel with them.

“So far, we have taken the likes of Sir Shina Peters, Evangelist Tope Alabi, Woli Agba, Lafup and several others. We have reached an agreement with Alhaji Obesere and others. Our people should just watch out.”

‘Parrot Xtra Hour on Radio,’ a production from the stables of Prokonnect Limited, the publishers of PMParrot.com and Parrot Xtra Magazine hit the airwaves on January 7, 2020 and has since featured the likes of Professor Banji Akintoye, Arc Muyiwa Ige, Dimeji Lawal, Dele Odule, Yinka Odumakin, AIG Bashir Makama and several others.

Packaged Olanrewaju Agiri, Olawale Awe and Timilehin Olalere

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