Home City Review Offa Imam To Oyetola: Learn To Manage Detractors

Offa Imam To Oyetola: Learn To Manage Detractors

Governor Gboyega Oyetola of Osun State...
Governor Gboyega Oyetola of Osun State...

The Chief Imam of Offa, Sheik Muyideen Salman, has urged Governor Adegboyega Oyetola Osun State, not to be deterred by the rantings of detractors in his effort to develop the state.

The Islamic scholar spoke in Iwo on Thursday while delivering a sermon at an event to mark the 60th birthday anniversary of an astute politician and illustrious son of Iwo land, Alhaji (Hon.) Khalid Debo Badru.

He also extoled Governor Oyetola for his progressive approach to governance in the State, saying, “Osun is lucky to have a person like you to have succeeded Ogbeni Aregbesola to continue the good work”.

He said Governor Oyetola was concerned about building lasting legacies despite the meagre resources at his disposal, adding that only a leader who is concerned about making impacts could achieve all that the governor has achieved in less than two years in office.

The Islamic Cleric equally urged the celebrant to always be guided by the virtues of wisdom, maturity, patriotism and selflessness with the Diamond Age.

Governor Oyetola was in Iwo town to felicitate Alhaji (Hon.) Khalid Debo Badru on his diamond birthday.

Thursday’s event was the grand finale of the activities marking Hon. Badru’s 60th birthday.

In his speech, Governor Oyetola described the celebrant, Alhaji Badru, as a good example of an Omolabi whose attributes deserve emulation by all.

The Governor also described the celebrant as a peace-loving politician, a good party man and an illustrious son of Iwoland.

The event, which took place at See-Bee Hotel and Events Centre, Iwo, was graced by eminent personalities in the State, including some party members and cabinet members of the Governor.

Packaged by Mariam Azeez

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