Home Opinion Column Trump As The American Nemesis By Festus Adedayo

Trump As The American Nemesis By Festus Adedayo

Dr Festus Adedayo...stressing a point...
Dr Festus Adedayo...stressing a point...

A Yoruba pithy-saying aptly describes the current state of affairs in the United States of America. I mean the electoral House of Commotion that Almighty Uncle Sam and the “global policemen of democracy,” is embroiled in at the moment.

To begin with, there is no doubt that the disputed American presidential election, more than Donald Trump’s almost four years presidency, has hugely demystified and deconstructed America so badly. Indeed, the world wonders how an Idi Amin Dada could have covertly incarnated in America, with all her peacocky democratic pride. How could a man who represents a vanity mentality, thought to be localized strictly in the oblongata of African despots, the worthless pride of bullies and their obsession for dissembling the home that refuses to house them, sit in America’s White House?

The answer comes to America from a street argot patented on an African soil millions of kilometers away, several rivers separating the two continents. Formulated many centuries ago, the Yoruba aptly divined the American imbroglio and situated it in its right context. According to them, if a home is peaceful, to the admiration of all, it can only be that the bastard within its fold had not come of age. For Trump and America, what that meant was that, until the coming of Donald, the future dissembler of a peaceful and sane America was only in his infancy.

Trump, by all his manifestations of despotism since the November election, has badly injured America, so much that it would be difficult to completely heal the cicatrices he will leave behind. He has shown that the American mind is as brackish as the recess of the mind of an average street folk. Trump took all those epithets and democratic qualities heaped on America to the river and poured them into the moving river.

If and when Trump is finally shoved out of the White House, Joe Biden’s major work would be to rebuild the collapsed walls of perception of America. He will need to distance the perceived perception of an American of the other person from those manifestations exhibited by the outgoing president. Tough job it surely is but it must be done.

  • Dr Festus Adedayo, lawyer and popular columnist sent this from Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State
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