Home Special Report When AOD Foundation’s Awosika Took Free Health Mission To Ghana

When AOD Foundation’s Awosika Took Free Health Mission To Ghana

Omogoriola Awosika
Omogoriola Awosika

Awosika Olalekan Damola, the founder of AOD Foundation in Ibadan has taken his free health mission to Ghana for the benefit of Nigerian living in the country.

The free health programme was held in collaboration with Ghana based non-governmental organizaions, Accra Netro Lion Club and Accra City Leo Club to organize free diabetes test and treatment for not less than 1500 people.

The diabetes awareness campaign was held in Ghana last week to reduce the rate at which diabetes spreads across the African continent, specifically in West African countries.

While speaking, the founder of the foundation, Omogoriola Awosika said that the mission of the collaboration between his foundation AOD, Lion Club and Leo Club was to follow the saying ‘health is wealth’ by supporting the less privileged individuals in the society, specifically to improve on their health condition.

He said that the idea was just to make Ghana a starting point before extending the gesture to other West African countries and the rest of the world.

Goriola maintained that the focus is to enlighten, test and provide treatment support for people with diabetes.

The foundation carried out free tests, counseling and treatment services for not less than 1500 diabetic persons in Ghana including Nigerians and non-Nigerians residing in the country.

Awosika Olalekan Damola (AOD) Foundation has been supporting people with cash and gift especially to cushion the effect of the global pandemic and to alleviate the level of suffering of the less privileged people in the society particularly in Oyo State.

Packaged by Kunle Gazali

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