Home City Review Why Ethnic Groups Need To Co-Exist Peacefully – Sanwo-Olu

Why Ethnic Groups Need To Co-Exist Peacefully – Sanwo-Olu

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu
Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State has called for support of Lagosians in the determination of his administration to make life more meaningful and worthwhile for people of the state.

He said this has become necessary in order to ensure continued development of the state.

Sanwo-Olu made the plea in his address on Saturday at the end of the year Christmas Outreach 2020 organised by the Lagos State Public Service Christian Fellowship in conjunction with the Chapel of Christ the Light, Alausa, Ikeja.

The governor who was represented by his Special Adviser on Christian Religion, Very Reverend Bukola Adeleke also craved for a peaceful and harmonious relationship among the various ethnic groups living in the state.

“We must be steadfast in creating message of hope, tolerance and harmonious relationship among various ethnic groups in the state.

“This is very important because there can be no development in an atmosphere of rancour, chaos and insecurity.”

He said the year now going to an end, occasioned by coronavirus pandemic and massive destruction of public and private assets by hoodlums who hijacked the EndSARS protest, has been tough and challenging.

Governor Sanwo-Olu remarked that the theme of “Peace, Be Still” taken from the book of Mark 4:39 is a comforting word of the Lord that all that is needed at a time like this is prayers to overcome all afflictions and tribulations.

Wife of the governor, Dr Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu who was represented by wife of the Chief of Staff, Mrs Comfort Adeleke also urged Lagosians to call on the Lord to give peace a chance in the state without which there can be no growth and development.

In his sermon, the Primate of the African Church, His Eminence, Julius Abbe called for prayers to end all forms of insecurity in the state.

Abbe who noted that the nation and the state have recently passed through the storm of COVID-19 and destruction of properties by hoodlums who hijacked the EndSARS protest, prayed God to put an end to untimely deaths, insecurity and tribulations and restore peace and calm in the land.

Credit: thenationonlineng.net

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