Home City Review Ekiti NUJ Hails Fayemi Over Appointment Of Prominent Broadcaster

Ekiti NUJ Hails Fayemi Over Appointment Of Prominent Broadcaster

Governor Kayode Fayemi, left, with Tunde Akinlabi...
Governor Kayode Fayemi, left, with Tunde Akinlabi...

The Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Ekiti State Council has congratulated Mr. Tunde Akinlabi over his appointment as the Secretary of Ido Osi Local Government Area.

The new appointee is presently the Ekiti State correspondent for Adaba 88.9 fm

The NUJ Chairman, Comrade Rotimi Ojomoyela in a statement in Ado Ekiti, described the appointment as a blessing to the media industry, affirming that Mr. Akinlabi is a thoroughbred journalist who is fully prepared for the task ahead.

The union, however, appreciated the Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi for appointing its member to be able to contribute his own quota to the development of the state in general.

Packaged By Emmanuel Adeniran

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