Home Health & Living You And Your Mental Health: Why Negligence Is An Avoidable Risk

You And Your Mental Health: Why Negligence Is An Avoidable Risk

Omolara Oyewole

Fitness is the ability to execute any task effectively and efficiently. Any individual who is unable to do this can be seen as one who is not properly fit for the task.

Fitness is classified majorly into physical and mental fitness. Physical fitness relates to the body while mental fitness relates to the mind. The former keeps the body in shape while the latter keeps the mind, brain and emotions in shape.

The importance of mental health cannot be overemphasized. As important as physical fitness is to the body system, mental fitness is also an important part in living a healthy lifestyle. As we put in efforts in maintaining proper physical fitness, we should in turn put in effort in maintaining proper mental fitness to avoid mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, sleeping difficulty, social withdrawal and isolation.

To achieve a proper mental health goal, paying utmost attention to your emotional well-being and state of mind is a major factor. This helps your ability to think clearly and make proper decisions effectively and efficiently.  This can be done in several ways as listed below:

Maintain a positive mindset: Positive thinking and optimism have great influence on your mind and emotions. This, in one-way helps in reduction of stress, depression and pain. It gives you the opportunity in dealing with critical situations calmly and better.  Maintaining a positive mindset declutters the mind from every form of negativity. Positive mindset (especially when you maintain happy mood at all times) to life in return influences your physical health, therefore staying positive does not only keep you mentally fit, it also helps in maintaining healthy physical fitness. In addition, your association goes a long way in influencing your mindset, so, a positive association in turn creates a positive mindset and a negative association in turn creates a negative mindset. Be mindful of your association; be mindful of your thoughts.

Reduce multitasking:   It is okay to want to be ahead, it is okay to want to achieve your set goals on time, in doing this it is advisable to always take every task one after the other, doing it one at a time. This helps your mental health and this helps in retaining your sanity. When you reduce multitasking, you give yourself the opportunity to improve your level of concentration, productivity, comprehension and performance. Multitasking diverts your attention from the completion of one task to the other thereby slowing you down. Focusing on a single task is a much more effective approach.

Mental exercises: As physical exercise is to the body, mental exercise is to the mind. Exercising the mind improves the state of your mental health. Mental exercise includes reading, finding humor in life, playing games and just to add, talking to someone you trust. Talking to someone is one great way of avoiding anxiety, depression and substance use mental disorder (a form of mental disorder whereby an individual finds solace in the consumption of substances such as narcotics, marijuana and others).

Negligence of your mental health is a great risk. Proper attention to your mental health is a great way of keeping fit both mentally and physically. Make your mental health your priority today and improve your chances of longetivity and becoming highly productive.

Packaged By Omolara Oyewole

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