Home Parrot Crime Kidnapping: How Ondo State Amotekun Arrested 45 Suspects

Kidnapping: How Ondo State Amotekun Arrested 45 Suspects


The Western Nigeria Security Network (Amotekun) in Ondo State has arrested about 45 suspects for alleged kidnapping and other crimes.

The Corps’ Commander, Adetunji Adeleye, while parading the suspects yesterday, said they committed the alleged offences in different parts of the state.

Adeleye explained that while 14 suspects were arrested for alleged kidnapping, five were held for burglary, two for violating the anti-grazing law and four others for disturbing public peace.

The remaining suspects were arrested for offences including dangerous driving, stealing, and possession of stolen goods, among others, he noted.

The commander said Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa also ordered the release of 28 of the suspects arrested for minor offences.

He added: “The governor released them in the spirit of the festive period and they will be released with strict warning not to perpetrate such acts again. The remaining suspects will however face the full wrath of the law.”

Credit: thenationonlineng.net

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