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Owa Of Igbajo’s Coronation: All Set For 100 Golfers To Storm Miccom Golf Resort

Oba (Dr.) Ademola Makinde
Oba (Dr.) Ademola Makinde

Over 100 golfers from across various clubs in Nigeria are set to compete in the Coronation/Royal Kitty tournament in support of the new Owa of Igbajo, HRH Oba (Dr.) Ademola Makinde.

The event which is scheduled to hold on Saturday 25th May, 2024 at Miccom Golf Resort, Ada Osun State will attract dignitaries from across the country.

The historic event, which will be the first of its kind under the new Oba’s reign is set to attract golfers from all walks of life including professionals and amateur players, who will compete for coveted prizes and honors.

The MicCom Golf Resort, known for its sprawling greens, top-notch facilities and serene ambiance will provide a fitting backdrop for the tournament which is expected to be another avenue to celebrate incredible golfing talents and skills.

Speaking about the significance of the event, the Planning Committee Chairman, Mr. Olusegun Adekoya A.k.a”Ore-Ofe” expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming response from golfers across the country who have signified interest in participating in the tourney.

Adekoya noted that it is an honor to host such a distinguished gathering of eminent golf enthusiasts who will be honouring the Royal Highness.

He further stated that the tournament will be unique blend of golf, culture, and royalty while also serving as part of HRH Oba Makinde’s Coronation Ceremony.

The planning committee chairman further revealed that the event will  be attended by a host of dignitaries including traditional rulers, politicians, business leaders and golfing enthusiasts from across the country.

“The Coronation/Royal Kitty tourney is packaged to be a momentous occasion that will go down in the annals of golf history in Nigeria as a testament to the passion and skills of golfers across the country”, he added.

Packaged by Dare Raji

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