Home Special Report Thousands Uplifted As Tunmise Ayodele Foundation Lands In Ekiti

Thousands Uplifted As Tunmise Ayodele Foundation Lands In Ekiti

Dr. Tunmise Ayodele, left, with a beneficiary...
Dr. Tunmise Ayodele, left, with a beneficiary...

A UK-based Nigerian and the Chief Executive Officer, Enshet Crops Solution, Dr. Tunmise Ayodele has launched the Tunmise Ayodele Foundation (TAF) with a two-day outreach programme in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State.

TAF is a registered non-governmental organisation focusing on: educational development, healthcare services for the underprivileged and human development.

The outreach started on Friday July 19, at the African Church Comprehensive High School (ACCHS) Ikere, with the distribution of writing materials to over 500 students and scholarships covering essential textbooks, payment of NECO and JAMB registration forms.

Speaking during the official launch of TAF, the Convener, Dr Tunmise Ayodele who doubles as MD Solstice Height Global and Elan League UK, explained that he floated TAF to give back to the very root where the journey of his life took off.

Besides the donation, he promised to always support the school, raise fund for legacy projects and hands-on training for both students and teachers of ACCHS.

He said “we are here to inspire you to study hard and toe the good path of life because years to come, you will equally stand here to say that an old boy of ACCHS inspired you and that is why you are giving back. I wouldn’t know where you will be tomorrow, but if you become the president of Nigeria, remember your school, the teachers and the old students that impacted your lives” Tunmise admonished.

On hand to witness the historic ceremony were parents of the convener, Evangelist Ayodele Lawrence; Mrs Adebimpe Ayodele; his beloved brother, Dr. Olaniyi Ayodele; TAF Coordinator, Mr Damilola Owolabi.

The principal, Mrs Viavo Atomeji, commended Dr Tunmise Ayodele for his passion for the school, which she said he had demonstrated through his various efforts targeted at improving the standard of his Alma Mater.

She described the gesture of TAF Convener as one of the very few defining moments in the history of the school, said Tunmise had raised the hope that other old boys of ACCHS would contribute their quota to its development. She added, “it’s one thing for someone to pass through the school but it’s another thing for school to pass through that person.”

Earlier, while delivering a brief lecture at the school,  Dr. Olaniyi Ayodele described the students of ACCHS as “real gems and the future of Ekiti State and Nigeria at large”. He thanked the school for the warm reception accorded Dr Tunmise and his team. He added, “what happened here today is just the beginning and I know that you have learned that there is more in life ahead of you. We will take you in our hearts as we depart today and we hope that this day will be a landmark in your future”

On Saturday July 20, no fewer than 800 residents of Ogbon tutun, Oke Ikere, received free medical services, food palliatives and cash gifts doled out by TAF.

Speaking at the event, the Convener, expressed strong passion for helping and motivating the less privileged, adding that, the outreach was his way of giving back to the community.

Tunmise, who had the hectic task of attending to hundreds of people of the community who thronged the venue of the outreach, noted that the foundation was established to assist vulnerable people , saying the government cannot do it alone.

According to him; “We have competent medical and healthcare personnel to cater for people and this is our debut outreach in this community. Aside from checking their blood sugar, blood pressure, Body Max Index and other vitals, we have resolved to give out drugs, and refer the cases our healthcare personnel could not handle. We also have relief materials in the form of foodstuffs and others worth millions of naira to give out to everyone here” he said.

Asked about the motive for the gesture, he said, “I grew up with a mother who happened to be a giver, even though she doesn’t have much she is fond of giving to the poor, pay their school fees, so as a small child, I started doing the same,  giving out our foodstuff to friends who didn’t have enough”

He continued, “God has been so kind, the only way I can show my gratitude to Him is to use my resources to support those who are vulnerable. This I intend to do for the rest of my life. There is food and financial crisis in the country, we all need to show the milk of human kindness, to reach out and comfort the sick, and give a helping hand to the weak”

Speaking in the same vein, Mr Damilola Owolabi, a key official of the foundation and chief of staff to the Convener, expressed his happiness with large turn out of people, adding that, the outreach was very successful.

He explained further that the foundation had earlier visited Ikere General Hospital to interact with patients and pick up bills of those who were detained for indebtedness.

One of the beneficiaries,  Florence Olayemi, speaking to reporters said she was grateful to the organisers for receiving free medicines after being tested.

She said, “I’m grateful for being a part of this outreach. The organizers of this outreach did a lot and we can’t be more than grateful. It’s indeed a huge project and I’m glad that I was a part. When I was given blood tonic, it took me by surprise because there are other people who have done this but do not give us drugs. The doctor also gave me advice on usage. I heard they still have more projects, I hope they would look at other communities in Ekiti so that a lot of people would also benefit.

Another beneficiary, Taiwo Oladimeji, also emphasized on the number of medical experts assembled by the foundation to cater for them and the foodstuffs and cash gifts doled out to all the participants.

Oladimeji said, “When I got here, I thought it was going to be like the regular tests but was first surprised by the number of doctors and medical professionals that were on ground to attend to us”

He added that, he was grateful to Tunmise Ayodele Foundation and hopes that he would be able to heed to medical advice given to him by the experts who attended to him.

The community leaders, Pa Olowoyo Familusi, Joseph innocent and Favour Adu present at the event expressed happiness and also stated their desire to collaborate with the foundation in the future to expand the outreach to more members of the community.

Packaged by Alice Egbedele

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